A 12-Month Wedding Planning Timeline - Part 1

However stereotypical, planning a wedding can be a HUGE headache, often filled with unfulfilled plans and last-minute changes. While unforeseen obstacles are hard to avoid with planning anything, especially weddings, there are things that can be done to help offset some of the unwanted stress and friction.

wedding planning timeline

One of those things is understanding the timeline of planning a wedding. Not only does it help you stay on course and budget, but knowing what to do and when to do it can help you avoid rushing and potentially ending up with a subpar wedding experience.

Here’s what we think:

T-minus 12 months (or so)

We’re going to work under the assumption that the wedding is 12 months away, so starting out it’s important to answer the essentials:

  • When is the wedding? Set a few potential dates so you can have some flexibility there.

  • How much are you looking to spend on the event?

  • How many people do you want to come?

  • Who is on the guest list?

You should also start looking for venues and coming up with theme ideas, if desired.

T-minus 8 months

So you’re eight months out from you wedding. By now you should have your date set and your venue locked up. This is the time when it’s important to get all your vendors lined up and your decor down.

Our suggestion is to find a few vendors, interview them and see if they fit into your plan. If so, you should book them so they don’t end up filling that date. Vendors should include:

This is also the time when you should start looking into wedding attire: dresses for both the bride and bridesmaids, as well as suit for the guys.

Pro tip: if you have out-of-town guests, now is a good time to book accommodations so you’re not scrambling or paying too much.

T- minus 4 months

At this point, your venue should be booked up and your vendors scheduled. If you haven’t already, you should start getting measured and ordering dresses and suits. Your guest list should be finalized and invitations should be in the mail.

All of your accommodations for your guests should be booked and your registry should be complete.

But that doesn’t mean you’re done. If you’re going out of the country for your honeymoon, this is a good time to ensure your passports are up-to-date and everything is good for travel.

You should also get a cake. Seriously, cake is great, so don’t skip this step and end up going to Publix the week of.

T-minus 1 month

Make sure everything fits. That extends past your formal wear, but ensuring that everything is good to go. Are you being annoying to your vendors? Maybe. Is it important? Yes.

If you haven’t started working on vows, then you should start. This is also the time when you can develop the ceremony order and get a program printed. What it’s not is a time to start worrying. If you’ve followed a good schedule, then you (mostly) have nothing to worry about. Trust your planning and vendors.

Want to know what happens over the next four weeks? Stay tuned for the next blog.